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Death Trigger (Android)

Death Trigger (Android)

A quien no le gusta matar zombies? / Who dont loves to kill zombies?


En el año 2012 la civilización moderna está llegando a su fin. La economía global se han interrumpido, el dinero ha perdido su valor. La gente se ha levantado contra los políticos ignorantes que se acaban de llenar sus bolsillos y que no sobra ninguno de ellos.

Sin embargo, aquellos que realmente gobernaban el mundo estaban preparados  y escaparon. De pronto, miles de millones de personas murieron a causa de un extraño virus, mientras que otros se convirtieron en bestias carniceras con un solo pensamiento:

Sólo unas pocas personas en el planeta han sobrevivido, al menos hasta que se queden sin munición ... o aprendan a pararlos.


In 2012 modern civilization is coming to an end. Global economics have been disrupted, money has lost its value. People have risen against the ignorant politicians who were just lining their pockets – and they didn't spare any of them.

However, those who really ruled the world were prepared - and escaped. Suddenly billions of people died from a strange virus, while others turned into butcherly beasts with just one thought: 

Only a few people on the planet have survived, at least until they run out of ammo... or learn how to stop them.

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